FundsTOTAL Investor is a cutting-edge SaaS application that helps hedge fund managers to improve investor communication, increase capital retention and attract new capital by providing institutional investors with the desired levels of
portfolio transparency in a highly secure portfolio and risk analysis portal.
Existing and prospective investors gain detailed access to your portfolio so they can analyze historical drivers and forward-looking ‘what-if’ scenarios of risk and performance.
Due diligence analysts can run FundsTOTAL analytics on your actual holdings while you control access to your data. Generated reports can include position-level analysis or aggregate analysis (such as sector or long/short), without disclosing
underlying positions.
FundsTOTAL Investor helps investors to understand your portfolio
With FundsTOTAL Investor, your investors can understand fund’s portfolio by interactively analyzing risk and performance
attribution. Analysis can be performed on a daily, weekly or monthly basis.
Keep your existing investors better informed and more productive by providing sophisticated analytics that are easily accessed in the cloud. Satisfied investors are more likely to stay invested.
With FundsTOTAL Investor you can stand out from the crowd and demonstrate to new investors holdings-based performance and risk analysis that can’t be captured by month-end returns.
Sophisticated investors want to know that managers have cutting-edge risk management tools. FundsTOTAL Investor allows you to meet or exceed the ever-changing expectations of institutions.
Reduce the number of phone calls/emails
from investors by enabling them to access up-to-date portfolio analysis
anytime, anywhere.
Stay in control by choosing what information to disclose to investors. Reports can include only aggregate information without revealing underlying positions or
Fund investors can use different criteria to “slice and dice” a portfolio, including asset class, sector, long/short and currency/country. Investors can visualize and compare any portfolio attribute by dynamically creating
interactive charts.
Provide your investors with risk analytics including value-at-risk, historical VAR, beta and volatility. Allow investors see what sort of performance they should expect in different scenarios.
Investors can identify the performance sources of a portfolio over different periods such as days, months, quarters or years.
Performance attribution can be analyzed at position level or aggregate
portfolio level.